I said, “I want to leave”.

I told my mother that I wanted to leave. I said, “I want to leave every thing and disappear to a far away land. My patience is fading. I’m very fed up with everything .” My mother, slowly got up and strode out of my room, while muttering something under her breath. She thought my […]

Coalescence Of My Wildest Dreams

At times I experience difficultly in moving ahead with everyday chores. There are lapses now and then. My movements slow down and I sink inwards wherever I am. The physical sense of being able to see with my eyes, merges and diverges with what I wish I could see. A kaleidoscope of shifting, colourful images […]


Constructions of our homes; are manisfestations; of our complex minds. (Tight, shut) Like doors to window frames. (Encumbered, constrained) Like the grillwork on balconies. (Sombre) Like uni-coloured paint. (Thoughts in boxes) Like the rectangular shaped rooms. Constructions of our homes; are manifestations; of our lacklustre lives.