
Her five days old baby, Fell from a height. It’s lying there, motionless Beside the dusty unused bicycle, On the second floor. It wasn’t even used to walking. It’s quadruple siblings crawled around, Patting; brushing; licking it’s body. It was slightly moving. The little one, was weak. By every passing minute, It was breathing its […]

The Expensive Lampshade

A dreamy golden ambience, The stench of a strong perfume, Surprisingly right placed, A ceramic flower vase. Re-visiting your old place, For the first time after last time. Nothing hard there, To draw out daggers, Like my mother said, It’s world of good, weak people. Why are your eyes, So unusually sparkling? Let me guess? […]

An expirement….

An experiment with words…. Flowers, Cushion, Book, Piano, Drinks, Statue, Guitar, Chimes, Jacket, Soft toys, Sofa, Canvas, Aquarium, Photoframe Her hands were shaking while she plucked a beautiful rose from her garden which gave her back selflessly from many years. They grew old together watching them blossom through the window glass while sharing a drink. […]