INKtober2016 | Day 10-14 | Pensive

she interlaced her tragedies with the fabric of her gown, she weaved her dysphoric retentions in the tangles of her hair, she sewed her nightmares in the dermis of her skin, she was enlaced in her pensive melancholy. she cosied in the intimate embrace of her sorrows. she was the dark seabed, to where sunlight fails […]

INKtober2016 | Day 7, 8, 9 | Inflammable

On some days, she garners too much fire in her belly that could ignite the phosphorous in her bones. Such is her rage- inflammable She could start a firework- begins to smoke, spits out sparks, flames and drops ash. There are no invitations to witness the spectacular. It is something she does to herself in […]

INKtober2016 | Day 5, 6 | Exhausted Before Dayspring

the amount of literature she digested under the disseminating illumination of the moon, in the engulfing, silent, embrace of the night, could be debilitating her imagination. her deliberate attempts to dive behind the subconscious of writers, the inability to envision anything futher, from between the sentences, from inside the fictitious beings, places, their names and […]

INKtober2016 | Day 3,4,5 | The Wayward World

and the wayward world continues to amuse her. with its inconsistent engagement with her mind. few, leave way for cosmic rays, to penetrate into their abodes. few, hesitate to or almost totally reject any intrusion; that might deconstruct their construed reality. few, too nervous for any exchange few, too paranoid to allow any change to […]

INKtober2016 | Day 2 | Crescent

her body houses paradoxical emotions. she’s torn in between a foul duality, where her longings are too unreal; for the city to allow, which is deafened; by its self-conjured bedlam. after squandering away time, scurrying after her desires, she drags her unwilling feet; to her humble nest. good doesn’t emerge by calling it upon, it […]

INKtober2016 | Day 1: Tranquility at the edge

the tranquility of waters, at the edge of the river, deceivingly attractive in sight, a transcendent beauty. however, her torrid soul, timid, cautious about the ruffles; beneath the harmless wavelets, recognizes the unusual composure. the river unintentionally reflects; her idiosyncrasy. the journey of waters could have been; as grappling as the wrestling of her soul. […]


INKTOBER is here! Every year artists around the world take the drawing challenge in the month of October and do one ink drawing everyday. 31 days 31 drawings. My series of sketchies are going to be based around this ‘Girl in the Black Gown’ accompanied by poems as well. Though I’m lagging behind a bit, […]